Nrhiav Whois Database

The WHOIS database is a list of all single domains currently registered in the world.

Domain whois lookup

The Internet Corporation of Names and Numbers (ICANN) yuav tsum Kawm paub cai zov registrars zoo li mus luam tawm cov registrant cov kev sib cuag, zim creation thiab tas sij hawm cov hnub thiab lwm yam ntaub ntawv nyob rau hauv lub Whois ntawv sai li ib tug no yog sau npe.

Kom koj tus kheej cov ntaub ntawv los ntawm ntog mus rau hauv lub ob txhais tes tsis ncaj ncees lawm, Live Hoster offers Private Npe los ntawm peb tus khub, Thawj By tso cai. Es tsis txhob displaying koj cov kev qhia nyob rau hauv lub database Whois rau tag nrho cov mus saib, Thawj By tso cai yuav hloov nws nrog lawv tus kheej. Lub zim yuav tseem yuav rau koj – tsuas yog tam sim no, koj thiab puav By tso cai yuav tsuas yog lawv xwb uas paub nws.

Rau cov lag luam, offers Deluxe Registration. Siv no “virtual ua lag ua luam daim ntawv” tsav tsheb mus rau koj lub website thiab ua rau kom lub ncav cuag ntawm koj tus uas twb tshaj tawm dag zog – tsis tau txi ntau koj tus kheej. Rau thawj koj them tsis taus mus poob, muaj kev tiv thaiv Rau Npe. Nws tiv thaiv los yog tsis txhob txwm siab phem zim hloov tsheb thiab muaj xws li Private thiab Lag Luam Rau Npe DAWB.